
  • “I have been field testing this product for more than 3 years. Every time when I’m hunting or filming and I see these mature whitetails coming into the Doe Estrus or Dominant Buck they seem relaxed, curious and interested. The deer will actually lick the powder right off the licking branch before they urinate on the scrape. How can something this simple really work? I really am shocked how well the product works!”

    – David Healy of ScrapeFix

  • “I put a few puffs of the doe estrus on a couple of mock scrapes that were next to the tree I was hunting from. Every deer that came down into that funnel had to come over to check the scrapes out, there had to be 14 of them!”

    – Adam M of Sodak

  • “My world of hunting is all about Scent Control and understanding the wind, the air-therms, and currents are critically important to me regardless if I am hunting a giant whitetail deer in Pike County Illinois or a male lion in the Kalahari desert. I have learned to depend on the ScrapeFix for every hunting situation, you should too.”

    – Scott Shultz, President of Scent Blocker

  • “We live and breathe with the ScrapeFix. I live… deer die… thanks for helping a sister out.”

    – Leigh Creekbaum

  • “I make my living putting people on big deer, the number one controllable factor is playing the wind. If the big boys know you are in the backyard you have no chance, that is why I rely on ScrapeFix. This product is by the far the best wind checker on the market, along with their scented products you have all you need to be successful in the whitetail woods.”

    – John Hanke

  • “After years of using Code Blue, Golden Estrus and other similar deer urine products, I was intrigued to try ScrapeFix’s new powder scents two years ago. I find it easier and cleaner to use, and it does not spoil and turn to ammonia after it was opened like liquid urine. ScrapeFix lasts in a mock scrape, or wherever I put it, for days and keeps attracting deer after the first application. I killed my 2009 and 2010 bucks over the estrus scent powder during the rut. Great product!”

    – Scott Engle

  • “Last November, while hunting during the rut, I was limited in choices of stand locations due to high water. Instead of not hunting because of bad wind direction, I sprinkled dominate buck 3 feet up and 360 degrees around the tree I was hunting. That afternoon I harvested a Pope and Young whitetail. Don’t kid yourself IT WORKS.”

    – Adam Rametta

  • “In October 2010 I learned first hand the effectiveness of ScrapeFix Dominant Buck. It honestly is the only scent product I have ever used that I could visually watch its effectiveness. I harvested a main frame 158 7/8 net 10 pointer that came directly to my mock scrape I made that evening below my stand. In two seasons I have watched numerous bucks hammer mock scrapes directly below my stand. You can’t make that up. It works! From Minnesota to South Dakota to Illinois and Iowa I have seen it work. I won’t hunt without it during the rut. Period.”

    – Grady Stephens

  • “Real windy in the woods today. Improvised with my ScrapeFix. Pushed a little into the swirling winds a couple of times and had this doe down this afternoon in an hour, downwind. Not only does it make proven mock scrapes, it saved my bacon today. Grocery shopping done on opening day. Now to get after those bone heads.”

    – Jeff

  • “Last night Brandon connected on his 1st buck which came in to work a ScrapeFix mock scrape at less than 20 yds. After the buck worked the licking branch he took a step broadside to us. I grunted him to a stop and Brandon zipped an arrow through the buck. Yes, with archery gear, that Brandon purchased himself and insisted on using. We followed the blood trail for about 70 yds and lost it. After a bit of a sleepless night I went back out and picked it up again and found his buck shortly afterwards. I can’t wait for Brandon to get home today so he can lay his hands on his first buck…after his football game of course. Hopefully we can get some pics tonight. I’m very proud of you Brandon!”

  • “I learned early on in my experience hunting the importance of mock scrapes for patterning deer. I have been utilizing the ScrapeFix mock scrape system over the past 3 seasons with drastically better results than any other product I have tried, Not only is ScrapeFix the best mock scrape system on the market, I feel it is also the best scent system for decoys, allowing me to take my two biggest archery bucks over a decoy in back to back seasons!”

    – Ryan Wisenbach, Whitetail Journey TV

  • “After being introduced to this product only three seasons ago, it has made my scouting, locating, and patterning of mature bucks much more efficient by using the dominant buck scent. The fact that I can make a mock scrape and be able to keep my human scent out of the area for weeks, because ScrapeFix has the technology to last much longer than liquid scents, and is also reactivated by moisture, it allows the ScrapeFix to still be able to attract big mature bucks until I decide to hunt that specific area, which has been a huge advantage. Using these tactics has allowed me to take my biggest buck to date with a bow, and I expect that success to keep growing while using the ScrapeFix mock scrape system.”

    – Kaleb Lienhard, Above The Game TV

  • “The day I shot him I got a pic of him at 1:30 pm. I got to the stand at 3:30, checked my camera in front of me. He was under the branch. I put the dominant buck and doe in heat on using them more as a cover scent all around my stand then an hour later he came back. Ran around me looking for a doe. I grunted twice and he ran straight to me shot him 15 yrds away with my bow. I think the only reason he came back is because he thought there was a doe around there and another buck coming in on his territory! ScrapeFix Works!”

    – Josh Stephenson

  • 2 weeks ago I used the dominant buck/mock scrape, I put a few puffs on an overhanging tree branch and rubbed the residual that fell on the ground in with my boot. I stayed out of that area for 2 weeks, I hunted it yesterday Sunday October 2. I put a couple fresh puffs of dominant buck on the same tree branch and rubbed some in the dirt. I was up in the tree at 2pm and at 620pm this beast came walking in, he walked straight to the mock scrape (20 yards away from my stand) with his nose in the tree branch and I took the shot! This stuff really works and I have been telling everyone I know and they all have or will be ordering ScrapeFix!

    – David Braman, GySgt