What is a Scrape
A Scrape is a critical factor for deer to communicate with each other. In the whitetail world, they are used all year long. Whitetail deer can precisely identify sex, age, social status and the approximate time a doe will come into estrus by visiting these scrapes.
How to Make a Scrape
Look for funnel areas and travel corridors leading to feeding areas. Being careful not to leave any human scent in the area, scrape down an area using rubber boots or a stick about 2-3 feet wide down to bare earth, clearing leaves and debris away. This will provide a visual cue as well as a scent cue for the deer. It is essential to have overhanging branches (licking branches) as the deer will use these to rub their head, nose, and antlers to stimulate glands. Deer produce scents from glands located on their head, legs, and hooves. Deer lick these branches to leave scent and to attain scents left by other deer. Using the complete ScrapeFix system, place a few puffs of powder on the scrape and one puff on licking branches with Velvet, ScrapeFix, Rut and Enhancer based on the time of year.
ScrapeFix is a simple, unique and highly effective whitetail inventory management system. Using in conjunction with trail cameras, 2-3 puffs of powder on Licking Branches and in Scrape, ScrapeFix has been proven to attract mature whitetails and keep them coming back with over 1000’s of hours of trail cam footage. ScrapeFix is the Proven Whitetail Attractant and inventory management system.